The India Evangelical Lutheran Church is a body of organized congregations registered under the societies registration Act.XXI of 1860, bearing S.No.11 of 1959.The IELC   
maintains church fellowship with the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and recognizes fellowship with all confessional Lutheran churches in India and through out the world. The IELC enters into alter and pulpit fellowship the other confessional Lutheran churches.

The India Evangelical Lutheran Church consists of:
1)    Three synods, three groups of congregations organized into pastorates and Circles for edification and administration and the chief administrative organizations to assure pastoral care of congregations.  The three synods are:
                               Ambur Synod
                               Nagercoil Synod
                               Thiruvananthapuram Synod
2)    Two Mission Circles called:
                        Mumbai Mission Circle
                        Malabar Mission Circle
3) The India Evangelical Lutheran has:
                1) Concordia Theological Seminary, Nagercoil
                 2) Concordia Printing Press, Vaniyampady
                 3) Schools  in Ambur, Nagercoil  and Thiruvananthapuram Synods
                 4) Hospitals in Ambur,Wandoor and Malapuram

President of India Evangelical Lutheran Church is an ordained minister of the IELC selected by the IELC convention for a three-year time, which may be repeated once in succession. He is the spiritual leader and chief executive liaison officer of the IELC
               President of India Evangelical Lutheran Church
               (Ambur Synod)
                Address: Our Saviour Lutheran Church,
               Oorgaum-562 115,
                KGF, Karnataka
                Mobile: 09945736703

                Other Office bearers of the IELC

                Vice President IELC:       Rev.Y. Christopher, Thiruvananthapuram Synod
                General Treasurer IELC:  Mr.Gnana Jothy, Nagercoil Synod
                Secretary IELC:              Rev. J. Markus Bhaskar Sudhakaran ,Ambur Synod
                ComptrollerI ELC:            Mr.J.Yovel, Thiruvananthapuram Synod

India Evangelical Lutheran Church
Knowing people and serving them in Christ for Wholistic Growth and Development
India Evangelical Lutheran Church (IELC) is a partner church of Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and registered under the societies registration Act.XXI of 1860 bearing S.No.11of 1959  

India Evangelical Lutheran Church