
His Holiness Swamy Athuradasji the Founder – President of Athura Seva Sanghom started Athurasramam in 1936 attached with a Homoeopathic, naturopathic and Yogic cure at Ithithanam, Kurichy, Changanassery. He had dedicated himself for the relief of the suffering humanity especially the sick. In 1952 another center was opened at Sachivothamapuram. In 1955, Rajapramukh of T.C. State laid Foundation stone for a Hospital attached to Athurasramam at Sachivothamapuram. Patients and spiritual aspirants from all parts of Kerala and outside approached Swamiji to get relief.
To promote medical relief, art, charity education and cultural
Conducting at present 19 working women's hostels at various districts in Kerala and tamilnadu |
In 1958 the Athura Seva Sanghom was registered under the charitable societies Act XII of 1955, as No. 19. Athura Seva Sanghom is a non communal, non political charitable society formed with the avowed object of promoting activities for bringing relief |