His Holiness Swamy Athuradasji the Founder – President of Athura Seva Sanghom started Athurasramam in 1936 attached with a Homoeopathic, naturopathic and Yogic cure at Ithithanam, Kurichy, Changanassery.
He had dedicated himself for the relief of the suffering humanity especially the sick. In 1952 another center was opened at Sachivothamapuram. In 1955, Rajapramukh of T.C. State laid Foundation stone for a Hospital attached to Athurasramam at Sachivothamapuram. Patients and spiritual aspirants from all parts of Kerala and outside approached Swamiji to get relief.
In 1958 the Athura Seva Sanghom was registered under the charitable societies Act XII of 1955, as No. 19. Athura Seva Sanghom is a non communal, non political charitable society formed with the avowed object of prmoting activiries for bringing relief, both physical and spiritual to the sick and the suffering and for starting institutions for the same. His Holiness Swamiji is leading the Sanghom with full dedicated spirit for the uplift of suffering humanity and for its cultural and educational advancement. Swamiji surrendered all the institutions and properties worth several lakhs to the sanghom and devoted his service as President. His Excellency B. Ramakrishna Rao, the first Governor of Kerala inaugurated the Sanghom. In the same year the Athurasramam Homeopathic Medical College was started. It was inaugurated by Dr. A. R Menon M.B. Ch. D.T.M., Honorable health minister of Kerala.
The State Governmment came forward to help the institution with an attached Homoeopathic Hospital of 100 beds. The college developed under the patrongage of both of the central and State Governments.
A research Centre (Hospital) also was started with 25 beds for mental diseases with the aid of the central government. After running the same for more than ten years, the whole hospital was surrendered to central research council for the development of the same as Regional Research Centre. Now it is developed as central research council for the development of the same as Regional Research Centre. Now it is developed as central research institute with 50 beds and arrangement for mobile medical aid in several villages.
The Athurasramam Homoeo Medical College had an annual intake of 100 students and was sending out every year Homoeo Doctors with D.H.M.S. Diploma after regular studies of 4 ½ years, to serve the stick and suffering people.
The college had developed with rapid strides and for the further development of the college, it was transferred by the Sanghom to the Nair Services Society which is the premier educational agency in India. Swamiji continues as the patron and advisor of the college. A degree course Homoeopathy College had also been started.
Several dignitaries including Ministers of the state and central have visited the Asramam and attached institutions and have recorded their appreciation on the working of Athura Seva Sanghom.
Under the aid of central Social welfare department, Athura Seva Sanghom have opened Working Women's hostels in ten Districts of Kerala and two in Tamil Nadu.
The Athurasramam colony at Malampuzha was established by the Athura Seva Sanghom by offering free land to some of the landless people in 1968.
Medical relief camps, Nursery Schools, Feeding centers, Seminars and camps are being conducted. The women's wing of the sangham is affiliated to All India Women's conference.
Proposals for starting a Poly Clinic with Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Modern Medicine and yoga are pending for want of buildings and other facilities.
Kurattimala Athurasramam under the direct control of the President of Sanghom is accommodating spiritual aspirants, retired old people and sanyasins, with a prayer hall etc.
Athurasramam at Sachivothamapuram is having a cosmopolitan temple, guest house etc, getting grant from the Travancore Devaswom board, Cosmopolitan prayers and intercaste marriages are conducted in the temple hall Geetha Mandir.
The activities of the Sanghomare all directed towards relief of the suffering and cultural and educational uplift aiming towards National Integration on All India basis.
State Government have declared Athura Seva Sanghom as a religious and charitable institution and exempted from land ceiling by their order No. Rt. 572 / 82/ RD.
Donation given to Athura Save Sanghom is exempted from income tax by Government of India since the year 1973.