Vasudevan nair was born in this village, to Kurattimala Kunjupennamma and Chediyattu Ayyappakurup on 19 the June 1913 and later he became the world renowned SWAMI ATHURADAS
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  • To promote medical relief, art, charity education and cultural
  • Conducting at present 19 working women's hostels at various districts in Kerala and tamilnadu
  • Conducting two unaided English Medium Schools at Vaikom and Pathanamthitta
  • Conducting Charitable Dispensary at Malampuzha, Palakkad and Kurattimala Kottayam offering free medicines
  • The Athurasramam Colony at Malampuzha was established by the Athura seva sangham by offering free land to some of the landless peoples
  • Community Welfare center was started in Athurasramam at Kurattimala, ithithanam on 08-05-1978. Mahilavedies organized as a wing of Athura seva sangham render free serveice to give education and employeement for women especially in rural areas

Medical relief camps, feeding centers, seminars and camps are being conducted. The women's wing of the Sanghom in affiliated to All India Women's Conference.


Kurattimala Asramam is under the direct control of the H.H. Swamy Athuradasji (President of the Sangham ). Accomodating spirtual aspirants, retired old people and sanyasins with a prayer hall etc.

Athurasramam at Sachivothamapuram is having a cosmopolitan temple, guest house etg. Cosmopolitan prayers and intercaste marriage are conducted in the temple hall - Geetha Mandir.


25% of the construction cost of the hostels and day care center and the cost of equipments and furniture of all the 19 hostels are met directly by the Athura Seva Sangham.


Also repair and maintenance expenses of the Sangham institutions and office expenditure of the Athura Seva Sangham also are met by the Management.


The activities of the Sangham are all directed towards relief of sufferings, cultural and educational uplift aiming towards National Integration on All India basis.

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