Puliyarakonam, Trivandrum, South India
Educare beyond compare
Kerala State 695573
Ph: 91-9142850077
Fax: 0471-2378895
At Madhuvan Sai Vidyashram, instant methods producing only makeshift results are not adopted. Such methods tend to just be an eyewash to the parents. Instead, the child's potential is nourished steadily from its roots to promote a natural and lasting growth.
The curriculum at Madhuvan Sai Vidyashram School is rooted on the "Multiple Excellence Mode" offering a variety of subjects - to cater to varying tastes and skills among children and enable them to discover their aptitudes.
The emphasis of the Madhuvan curriculum is on the following:
Acquisition of Knowledge
Application of Personal Skills
Value Oriented Behaviour Modification
Madhuvan aims at building up responsible human beings. So, students are counseled on the their responsibilities towards their peers, employers, and the society rather than just focusing on the career prospects .Evaluation and Assessment
Madhuvan follows the system of multi mode evaluation. The system adopts an objective and fool-proof methodology to provide a realistic assessment of each student, at the various stages of schooling. While the system of continuous evaluation tests the knowledge of a student and ensures his constant academic preparedness the multi mode evaluation system tests the skills and competencies of a student and portrays his areas of aptitudes, personality strengths and weaknesses etc..Primary Assessment
Oral and written tests are conducted on completion of every topic/chapter and their scores are recorded on a Elaborate Evaluation Report.Secondary Assessment
Each term comprises 3 levels of assessment.Tertiary Assessment
The School provides special tutorial lessons/remedial teaching both during and after school hours as and when the teachers feel that the student needs special attention and for which the School has special Tutorial rooms.
Kerala State 695573
Ph: 91-9744755712
Madhuvan Sai Vidyashram Trust © 2022