My Achievements

Colonel Gopalakrishnan FIE FIETE [LION]
My Achievements
Chairman of committee for Uplift of Tribes and their children in Kenya.
Awarded the Indian Army Commander's Commendation while serving in the Indian Army.
Presented papers on Next gen Mobile Technology, m- health etc.. Also presented papers
in 3 GSM conferences in Barcelona.
Review in Oman Economic Review Magazine.
See the page : Review 1
See the Page : Review 2
Possess a valid Kenyan & GCC driving license.
Received Unified Communications Award, for a project which contributed to 58% of
turnover while serving in JAWAD SULTAN TECHNOLOGIES LLC. OMAN.
Developed an alliance with national long distance company to provide bundled internet
services which contributed to 35% revenue of the company while serving as VP Operations
in Karma Information Technologies GmbH, Germany.
Improved net profitability by $600,000 through internal reorganization for a version change
and documentation of an Insurance Tracking System for a Germany company.