The Pearl of Great Price
Undone undone undone I cry
Undone undone are we
and lo what the Savior had for me.
the priceless price, the only currency, that would suffice
the pure soul for me to give
Could I would I accept that free gift
Why not why would I?
Oh because if I give Him my life I wouldn't have mine
What would remain for me would be just a zero.
So look before you leap.
But if you give, give as if u will never ask it back.
Ask it to sin once a while,
to flatter once or twice, to point the speck,
to hurl the stone.
So give as if you lost it
Lost it not to death but life to gain it all.
Gain it all back when I stand before the Lord- the manager of that life.
It will sure move you to see
what this potter did with this clay
the clay of third rate, the clay of no use
But no one would recognise that clay when it stands in His presence that day,
the day of His choice
the day to put every man to the fire
The fire that will leave nothing undone but that which the maker poured.
The pearl of great price – that which He had bought to ransom many.
The pearl of great price.
Judy Hannah James