Metabolic Disorder Research Centre was founded by Professor P.A. Kurup established in the year 1997 and the celebrating the 25th year of existence. It is the only centre for metabolic medicine and metabolonomics in India. It is a scientific and industrial research organization recognised by the Department of Science and Technology by the Government of India.
- Metabolic Medicine, Molecular Medicine – Metabolonomics - Metabolic Profiling.
- Metabolic Disorders - Rare Diseases
- Functional Medicine-Personal, Integrative Medicine
- Internal Medicine ,Neurology , Neuro Psychiatry
- Atheroscelorisis, Metabolic syndrome, Diabetes Mellitus, Coronary artery disease and Strokes
Metabolonomics Laboratory -Samples (blood & urine) will be collected directly in the lab from patients attending the clinic or by courier in case of individuals or patients requiring their metabolic profile done.
Metabolic & Functional Medicine clinic working hours: Every day (10 AM to 2 PM)
Metabolonomics Laboratory working hours: 9 AM to 4 PM
25 Years
of Existence

- Vice President, Indian Society for Atherosclerosis Research
- Member, Executive Committee of Society of Biological Chemists (India)
- Dean, Faculty of Science, Kerala University
- Chairman, Board of studies in Biochemistry
- Member of the Senate & Academic Council Kerala University, Member Academic Council, Cochin University & Member, Faculty of Science, Calicut University.
- Member of Expert Committee, Rubber Research Institute
- Member, Science & Technology Committee, Kerala Govt.
- Member, Expert Panel, Plant physiology & Biochemistry – ICAR
- Member, New York Academy of Sciences
- Expert Member, Assessment Committee, RRL (CSIR), Trivandrum
- An oration in Prof.P.A.Kurup’s name has been instituted by the Indian Society for Atherosclerosis Research, India.
Present Director & Chairman : Prof. Ravi Kumar Kurup (MD.DM (Neuro), MNAMS, FRCP)(From 2016 onwards)
Our Facilities
Free Radical assay
(done for Neurodegeneration, Psychiatric Disorders, AutoImmune Diseases, Malignancies, Metabolic Syndrome with diabetic & Vascular Disease, Post Covid Syndrome)
- Glutathione
- Hydrogen Peroxide
- Super Oxide
Mitochondrial Markers
( done for Neurodegeneration, Psychiatric Disorders, Autoimmune Diseases, Malignancies, Metabolic Syndrome with diabetic & Vascular Disease, Post Covid Syndrome)
- Lactate
- Pyruvate
- Pyruvate Dehydrogenase
- Pyruvate Carboxylase
- Carnitine
Vitamin Assay
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin C
- Pantothenic Acid
- Riboflavin
Trace Element Assay
- Magnesium
- Sodium
- Potassium
- Calcium
- Phosphate
- Sulphate
- Iron
- Cobalt
- Selenium
- Molybdenum
- Silver
- Arsenic
- Lead
- Aminoaciduria
- Cystinosis
- Tyrosinosis
- Alkaptonuria
- Non Ketotic Hyperglycinemia
- Urea Cycle Disorders
- Serine Metabolic Disorders
- Hyperphenylalaninemia syndrome
- Homocystinuria
- Hartnup’s Disease
- Tetrahydroxy Biopteria deficiency
- Keto acid dehydrogenase deficiency
- Isovaleric aciduria
- Maple Syrup Urine disease
Organic acid Analysis
Megaloblastic Anaemia resistant to B12, Hyper ammonia with Acidosis
- Methyl melatonin acidosis
- Orotic Aciduria
- Propionic Acidemia
- Glutaric aciduria
Assessment of HyperAmmonemic Syndrome
- Organic acid Analysis
- Amino acid Analysis
- Serum Ammonia
- Testosterone
- T3 T4 TSH
Assessment of Hypoglycemia & Hyper glycemia
TCA Cycle & Glycolysis
- Serum Insulin
- Organic Acid Analysis
- Pyruvate Carboxylase Assay
- Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Assay
- Enolase Assay
- HexoKinase Assay
- Aldolase Assay
Anti Glycolytic Antibody Disease for Encephylitis Lethargica
- Anti Enolase
- Anti Aldolase
Glycolytic Enzyme Deficiencies for Hemolytic Anaemia
- RBC Enolase
- RBC Aldolase
- RBC Hexokinase
Disorders of Glycogen Metabolism
- Glucose 6 Phosphatase
- Acid Maltase
- Phosphofructokinase
- Myophosphorylase
Sugar Analysis
urine & Serum
- Glucose
- Galactose
- Fructose
- Trehalose
- Manose
- Fucose
Urine Analysis for Porphyrins
for Psychiatric Illness, Seizures, limb weakness & Red Urine
- Uro Porphyrin
- Copro Porphyrin
- Proto Porphyrin
- Ketopyrroles
Urine Analysis for Homogentisic acid
Alkaptonuria & Melanuria
Urine Analysis for MPS
Mucopolysaccharidosis congenital & acquired
- Glucosamine in Osteo arthritis & Ageing
- Mucoid Angeopathy
- Cardio myopathy
- Pancreatic Disease
- Multi nodular Goitre
Lipidomic Analysis
Lipid Profile for Vascular Disease
- VLFA for Adrenoleuko Dystrophy
- 7 dehydro cholesterol Reductase assay for SLOS (Autism)
- Serum Bile acid for Cholesterol7 alpha dehydroxylase deficiency in Spastic Paraplegia( HSP)
- Beta oxidation defect
- Carnitine deficiency
Symbiotic Markers
- Cytochrome F420 for archae
- LPS for Bacteria
- Muramic acid for Bacteria
Lysosomal Analysis
- Sphingomyelinase (Niemann Pick)
- Hexosaminidase A & B (Taysachs & Sandoff)
- Aryl sulfatase A for Metachromatic leuko dystrophy
- Aryl sulfatase B for Morquio’s Disease
Immune Deficiency states assesment
- Adenosine Deaminase
- NADPH Oxidase Assay
- Vitamin D assay
- Vitamin C assay
Neuro Psychiatric Disorders
- Mitochondrial Dysfunction
- NAD for Schizophrenia
- Carnitine for depression
MND Assesment
- Hexosaminidase A & B
- Riboflavin Transport Deficiency
- Coenzyme Q
- Copper Zinc Dismutase
Auto Immune Diseases
- Mitochondrial Markers
- Lymphocytic Glycolytic Enzymes
Parkinson Disease Assesment
- β-Glucosidase Assay
- Coenzyme Q Assay
- Sphingomyelinase for CBGD
Dementia Assesment
- Mitochondrial Dysfunction
- Lysomal Function
- Antiglycolatic enzyme Antibody
Warburg Phenotype assessed by checking
- Mitochondrial Function
- Glycolytic Enzymes- Enolase, Aldolase
Vascular Risk factors
- Lipid Profile & LIPID PROTIENS
- Urinary & Serum MPS for Mucoid Angiopathy
- Serum Homocysteine
- Alpha Galactosidase for Fabry’s disease
- Vascular Coronary Artery Disease and Stroke
Assessment Of Myopathy
- Total CPK
- Serum & Urine Myoglobin
- Mitochondrial functions
- Glycogenosis
- Acid maltase
- Phospho fructokinase
- Myophosphorylase
- Glucose 6 phosphatase
- Vitamin E
Assesment of Cardiomyopathy
- Serum Carnitine
- Serum Coenzyme Q
- Serum Selenium
- Glycogen Metabolism
- Serotonin
- Dihydroxy-indole-acetic acid
- Adrenaline
- Norepinephrin
- Dopamine
- Tetrahydrobiopterin
Membrane Biochemistry
- RBC membrane analysis
- Cholesterol
- Phospholipids
- Glycosamino glycans
- Na-k ATP assay
- Fucose, Manose and Sialic acid
Autism detection
- Mitochondrial markers
- 7- dehydrocholestrol Reductase assay
- Porphyrins
- Aminoacid & Organic acid assay
- SLOS Disease
Metabolic Syndrome-Diabetis Mellitus, Coronary Artery Disease,Stroke, Dislipidemia
- Mitochondrial Function
- Vascular Risk Factor
- Free Radicals
Projects & Publications
Selected peer-reviewed publications (in chronological order).1. Kurup RK, Kurup PA. Endogenous hypodigoxinemia – related immune deficiency syndrome. Int. J Neurosci. 2003 Sep; 113(9): 1287 – 303.
2. Kurup RK, Kurup PA. Hypothalamic digoxin, cerebral chemical dominance and pathogenesis of pulmonary diseases. In. J Neurosci. 2003 Feb; 113 (2) : 235 – 58.
3. Kurup RK, Kurup PA. Hypothalamic digoxin, hemispheric chemical dominance and interstitial lung disease. Int. J Neurosci. 2003; 113 (10): 1427 – 1443
4. Kurup RK, Kurup PA. Hypothalamic digoxin, cerebral dominance, and lipid metabolism. Int. J Neurosci. 2003 Jan; 113 (1) : 107 – 15.
5. Kurup RK, Kurup PA. Hypothalamic digoxin, hemispheric chemical dominance, and endocrine / metabolic / cellular regulation. Int. J. Neurosci. 2002 Dec; 112(12): 1421 – 38.
6. Kurup RK, Kurup PA. A hypothalamic digoxin mediated model for autism. Int J Neurosci. 2003; 113 (11): 1537 – 1559.
7. Kurup RK, Kurup PA. Hypothalamic digoxin, hemispheric chemical dominance, and Alzheimer’s disease. Int. J. Neurosci. 2003 Mar; 113(3): 361 – 81.
8. Kurup RK, Kurup PA. Hypothalamic digoxin, cerebral dominance, and mitochondrial function / free radical metabolism. Int. J Neurosci. 2002 Dec; 112 (12): 1409-20.
9. Kurup RK, Kurup PA. Isoprenoid pathway related membrane dysfunction to neuropsychiatric disorders. Int. J Neurosci. 2003; 113(11): 1579 – 1591.
10. Ravikumar Kurup, Parameswara Achutha Kurup. Central Role of Hypothalamic Digoxin in Conscious Perception, Neuroimmunoendocrine Integration and Coordination of Cellular Function: Relation to Hemispheric Dominance. Intern. J. Neuroscience. 2002; 112(6):705 – 739
Research projects executed by MDRC- Studies on Digoxin and Neurodegeneration
Funding Agency: ICMR
Amount: 11,44,924
Date of completion: 31-07-2010 - Studies on deficient cholesterol, a new factor in autism
Funding Agency: ICMR
Amount: 29,50,884
Date of completion: 15-08-2014