Hello Friends
Welcome to Colonel.in
Hi friends, I am Col.Gopalakrishnan.
Here I am trying to share My Vision, My Ideas & a little about Myself.
“There is no such thing as overnight success or easy money. If you fail, do not be discouraged; try again.
When you do well, do not change your ways. Success is not just good luck: it is a combination of hard work,
good credit standing, opportunity, readiness and timing. Success will not last if you do not take care of it.”
Every person has the opportunity to achieve his/her fullest potential and participate in and contribute to all aspects of life.
The web site envisages a world where all people – even in the most remote areas of the globe – hold the power to create opportunity for
themselves and others in shaping the future by preserving our heritage, discovering new knowledge, and sharing our resources with the world.

Volunteer with Helping Minds
To Implement sustainable, social service programs worldwide and lifesaving services now and for future generations.
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Aircraft & Helicopter
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"Gopi is thorough in everything he takes up and his analytical abiliy is superb. He reads extensively and keeps himself abreast of happenings around him. He always endeavours to re-skill himself towards high domain content and this remains a bench-mark for others in the team to emulate.His PR and networking capabilities are exceptional. He is extremely result oriented and focussed on his and organization's goals. All these have naturally led to customers appreciating his contributions and ability. Consultative selling is Gopi's forte."
(RKrish) Krishnan
Vice President at Tata Consultancy Services
"A true leader and a person full of spirits, Col has the ability to take the crowd along with him. I have found him genuinely interested in HRM both as a subject and as a practice and the cooperation rendered in bringing HR practices on to the floor was brilliant. Expertise in European languages, Excellent Domain knowledge, Exemplary people& relationship management skills makes him very special. Famous for his quick wits, Col always ensured to make people around him comfortable."
Dr.Bindu S Nair
Consultant : People Strategy & Gender Diversity.
Post Doctoral Fellow at Indian Council of Social Science Research
"I have known G. Gopalakrishnan, since August 1992 when we worked together in an Indian Army Training Establishment. I have observed him very closely and I found him to be a gentleman with morale courage and his forthright views as well as fully dedicated to the professionalism. The soft skills and the experience that he possesses would always be the valuable assets for any organisation where he chooses to work. He possesses very effective and excellent communication skills and exhibits excellent leadership and Managerial Skills. As a good team player he was always a great backing for the team. Being highly motivated and passionate regarding his job, he was able to get together most professional, pro-active, and energetic people as one team and inspire them. He combines different qualities: attention to detail and ability to see big picture, managerial skills and deep technical competence, abilities to delegate and to take personal commitment."