Greetings in Jesus Name
Praise be to the Lord God Almighty.
"and that repentance for forgiveness of sins
should be proclaimed in His name to all the
nations."(Luke 24:47)

Welcome to our website
We are in full time ministry since 1977. Our ministry and outreach activities are established in states of India like Kerala in south, in Maharashtra (Mumbai) & Gujarat in the west.

Berachah Ministries and Missions is an independent christian ministry, committed to proclaim the love of Christ, obeying His Great Commission. (Matt.28: 18-20).  Our vision centers on getting the Gospel to every person on this earth, enabling them to make an intelligent decision regarding the claims of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Our ministry activities include personal evangelism, follow-up and training with a heavy emphasis on prayer and soul winning.  We need man power, equipments, training facilities, financial support and above all a great volume of prayer to attain our goals.  We have missionaries and volunteers working right now in Kerala in South & in Mumbai, Gujarat in west India.

Our philosophy is that the Gospel is valid and every single christian is obligated to particpate in spreading it to the ends of the earth. Disobedience to that command will be tragic.  The Bible says, "woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel" (ICor.9: 16) and 'for Christ's love compels us' to do the same.(2Cor.5:14)

"Open your Home to Him today."

Copy Right , 2006-2007. For Corporate Sales Training.