Following short pieces are played by Kongalath members.

Rock Guitar by Alex

Trust in None -Solo(36sec)
Video clip by Alex

Guitar compositions by Alex . Extracts from his Album for release this year

Thoughtscape-a(< 3 Minutes)
Thoughtscape-Path-[Album](Medley1< 6 Minutes )
Thoughtscape-Path[Album](Medley2< 5 Minutes )


This debut music album performed and produced by lead guitarist Alex Verghese of ‘Found from Within’ band, Manchester, UK was released on 16 June 2018. Progressive guitar music with intricate chord structure along with short vocals is the hallmark of this genre favoured by himself and others in US and Europe. Following extracted medley for the members and friends of family of Kongalath is from this album available from 'Bandcamp' on the internet.The tone equlization is likely to be best in Rock Arena found in Audio Visual amplifier using Dolby digital for Music or with subwoofer to fill in lower frequencies without distorting the speech frequencies.

Percussion submitted by Jack Clough and album mastered by Bradd Schlosse

Tenor Saxophone by Mathew

MAZHA(< 1 Minute )
KOTTAYAM CHORUS (< 1 minute)